I was not a believer of God lately.. But I will find it good when I go to Temple or any Meditation session.. Then I gave a thought of what is that is so attracting me to temple or any other gathering or any satsang.... It's very simple thing.. E=Mc2, which we all studied in our schools and was known as basic for all the known physics..
Physics and God.. I am not mad.. Refer the title.. It's my view... I used to go to temple every Thursdays and Saturdays once upon a time.. Used to attend all family pujas and homas for sure.. But as I grew up.. I have become more selfish.. I am not getting what I ask from god.. So thought.. What is this.. If I really want that... Why is he not giving it to me..then I saw people brining god fora small coconut.. and they also have a reason for it.. he is simple and he is happy if you give small flower also with dedication.. Ditch all those..Thats what I did..
I started asking him only one thing... What ever is best for me...Let it happen.. then I thougth.. Who is he to decide what is best for me.. fine.. heis creator. if e is creator.. Why these problems.. Why do we need to learn lessons the tough way??
Okie.. so Now I came into a stage where.. I stopped praying to god all together... I started hating him these days.. But as the introduction above says.. I still go to temple and go to satsang.. I go to gatherings.. I go and listento talks by gurus.. I feel good when I do these things..So I started thinking.. what is going on inside me.. Am I follower of God.. What is God for me????
I was observing a friend who was very down and sad one day.. As usual I was waiting outside for her and she went inside to see her god.. She came out after 10 mins.. Aarti was going out at that time.. I like that song a lot.. I was enjoying the song.. I can see her face... She was happy.. She came out as if she saw god and he has solved all her problems.. She came to me and told me .. I am fresh and good.. Then I started thinking.. Why is it so... Then I thought.. I am not alone who feel so.. most of the people go to god with some problem or other in their minds... When you go there.. What is actually happening inside me.. that's what I thought.. I started observing myself.. I am doing two things there which are making me happy after I go to temple and see god..
1. I am telling my problems... It is safe option.. if it is something wrong also.. who cares.. he is not gonna tell anyone.. So.. best buddy to share problems..
2. I am concentrating all my energy in one thing inside my mind.. So.. As people say when you are sad you are actually having negative vibrations.. for that time Ihad positive vibrations..
I went back and checked this with lot of things over net and I found that this is a good reasoning.. Its very simple.. Its group consciousness.. When you have kids around you.. how much ever sad you are you will smile after sometime.. this is nothing but their innocence and their influence on us..
So don't feel bad going to god when you are down.. he wont mind if he exists.. You are not bribing.. You are just using that coconut to bring your senses to a point so that you can concentrate...
So guys.. happy praying.. and be happy always.. Its not wrong "Not to believe in God and still go to temple"...
Its my view as usual .. Please let me know. . if you have any problems.. You know what to do... post a thread here..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Okanagan Lake.. My first outing in Canada..A heaven on Earth..
... After a week long plans...Few discussions.. and few arguments..Finally we decided to go to OKANAGAN LAKE.. @ kelowna..North CANADA.. In the title I mentioned Heaven on earth..That may sound little exaggerate.. But NO...
We took two FORD EXPEDITION on rent for the trip.. We are 16 with a mix of Couples, Married couples and few engaged ones.. few committed ones and one or two bachelors as well..OOPS.. By the way our trip is on 24 and 25 of OCT 2009. Few of us went to pick the Elephants(Expeditions) a day before..they are huge.. but smooth to ride...Went for shopping.. We got all the snacks and water that are required for the trip.. and we all are set to go and in High Spirits..
On 24 morning we started at 9:00 and we are at our office for gathering and to hit the road...Everyone was on time except few.. only 5 mins late.. acceptable.. The moment..we got there.. and we took the cameras.. Guess where everyone was standing...They are with the expedition.. that was the celebrity of the moment....Few automobile fans like me..understood.. But everyone want a snap with that monster..so we all took some photos and its time for Get.. Set and Gooooo...
Mr Pratik.. our Big Boss.. The man behind the wheel.. and with his Wife..Taman.. as Navigator.. Amit.. His wife Ekta and Our Lonely Bird of couple(Other bird can be Tim or madhu..We will leave it to her) Anna.. in the middle row and Hridesh..Prakash and my self at the back row.. See Back row bad boys. We were so excited.. forgot to fill in the gas.. But it got us lot of fun later...
Mr Lokesh.. Big boss of other car behind the wheels.. and his pregnant wife next to him...Bhavani, Gauri and Asawari in middle row.. Mounita, Priyesh and Jayram at the back..
We started with few dance numbers in car and then.. some serious chatting and advices.. good ones though...all well wishers..and then..time for snacks.. we started with the chocolate rolls.. then some lays and some Indian Haldiram sweets..
We are already on road for two hours and it is time for a pit stop.. Its strange.. there is nothing on the sides of roads.. This highway is deserted.. We got a rest area to stop. We all got down.. and the photo started immediately.. flashes and people looking for spots and nice clouds and scenes.. Got some good snaps and we all ready again to hit the road..
This time we realized that we have few gas left and we need to fill it up.. But see.. we saw a gas station and didn't go there. and then we saw a board.."NO GAS STATION FOR NEXT 175 KMS"... that was fun.. Our Big Boss... Left the car on cruise control and we are counting the remaining Kms to empty..We took an exit in search of gas and we saw few cars there and no gas station or even signs of gas station.. We al got down.. trust me..there are only three colors around us.. White Snow.. Green leaves and Bule Sky... Everyone forgot why we are hear.. just ot down and started picking ICE and throwing at others.. So.. that's the fun we wanted in this trip and our Empty tank got it to us.. Not a planned halt.. don't know about the Snow fall there.. Not thought of all those.. Saw Ice.. Jumped into it... and started throwing.. No boundaries to the self when you are into it.. Happiness is something which will make the time and space unite and only two things.. Enjoy and Enjoy..

The worst hit of all is Gauri.. Who fell into a small dip there.. and then the second place goes to Priyesh.. Everyone was running behind him.. chasing him.. making plans of how to get him and then.. we got him.. all the Ice on him.. This is going on here... and few people are busy with their photo shot.. we have Mr Amit.. out master photographer with an SLR... So what will stop people from giving a pose.. everyone started.. giving few.. Amit had also captured some nature.. will share them later..I was also running behind people to throw ice at them.. got few pictures clicked as well.. Even though there is ice around and the temperature would have been around -5.. we removed our jackets for the pictures.. that crazy we were.. Mean time we got the bad news... Pratik and Lokesh couldn't find the gas around.. So we had to start now and look for gas and on the highway itself.. and need to see how far we can go to empty tank and test our luck.. Oh.By the way only two people were not in the chasing team. Ekta sitting in car with locked doors all the time and Taman.. not ready for any Ice.. its cold out there.. we understood..
We are 16 Kms from Kelowna.. our destination and then we saw 200 Meters more to empty on the dashboard information panel..... Luckily got to see a deserted rest area.. and then we decided to stop there.. Both the bosses went to get some gas.. We al got down to do all the crazy tings that we can thought of at that time..We took few pictures. I went across the fence.. to get some crazy pictures.. We sawan add of a local Winery A big poster of wine.. We all took pictures as if we won it.. In 10 minutes.. our heros are back with gas and we are all set to go...
We started for Kelowna and we were at the hotel..But we preferred to eat first... We were looking for an Indian Restaurant have something hot and spicy with all the masalas and spices.. But We just got satisfied by seeing the Indian restaurant board as it is too late for Lunch and early for diner.. It is closed.. We saw a god Pizza house..With no options left.. we went into the pizza house and saw big artificial Pizzas kept under the glass of every table.. Few of us including me tried to touch it and see if it is not real...In order to satisfy our Spicy tounges.. we ordered a hot pizza and coke.. We had fun talking and taking pictures before the Pizzas arrived hot and spicy with good flavored smell.. We paid the bill and went for Hotel..
We booked the hotel in advance.. Prestige.. a good hotel with Pool and Bubble bath indoor. We took four rooms and distributed ourselves in that 4 rooms.. It was actually not important to us, who is staying in which room.. We just need to freshen up.. So as usual.. girls took more time to get ready.. few came with More red color under their eyes.. Priyesh and me were busy looking at the pool as there is something cute and beautiful thing at the pool.. Priyesh had to go for four rounds to satisfy himself..
Okanagan lake is exactly opposite to our hotel.. there is a beautiful park made around the park.. We went in to park for some fun.. But we got lot of fun sometime later... Courtesy..Mr Jayaram.. The first thing we saw was a Cradle.. 4 of us in turns.. We had to appreciate the weight it handled specially keeping me in mind..
Then we saw something else.. Zip Track .. We all ran towards it.. The first one to try was Priyesh.. Then Me.. and then.. Lokesh.. Then came a Superman from no where..The one with Blue jacket and gloves borrowed from me.. They didn't carry any luck for him.. he is at the tip of the jump and then we gave him instructions.. Clear and sound.."Don't Jump.. Leave your legs free.." But you know.. He has the Bungee Jumping Experience and he likes the free fall.. But he didn't realized that.. his legs are not tied and the depth is just 5 feet.. The moment he took the flight.. he went for a free fall.. may be he realized that it was it Bungee and it is a zip track.. It was too late as the depth is same as his height.. He is down on the sand..Lucky he.. Not a floor.. We didn't had time to react or hold him as it is unexpected froma bungee jumper.. i heard two sounds.. One from his mouth.. the shout.. and the other from his back due to the impact.. After that.. NO SOUND.. only silence.. for a second.. we got him up.. and he is out of the world with pain..
The one who reacted to it was Bhavani.. she was next to Jump and she made a decision.. NOT TO JUMP... She lost all the guts after seeing that feww fall stunt of Jayram.. Sorry dude.. Then we all were seriously worried about you.. Now its all fun.. Get well soon.. No heart feelings HUH!!! You should see Bhavani's face..that was funny.. and was like seeing a scary movie.. all the zoom of the camera on Actress face.. she came down easily.. by STEPS (LOL) not from the zip track..
We went to waters and then took few pictures there.. some came dark.. some are good.. But our God father Amit.. took some awesome pictures of the nature and the sinking sun leaving Blue sky and red patches reflections on water in the lake.. that was really beautiful.. See heaven on earth!!!..
We went to next spot.. we went to a area whee the famous OGOPOGO model was kept.. It seems that there is a sea monster lives there.. and it has a head like a horse or a goat with 20 or 70 meters long.. There is no existing proof for this, bu tthe government of Canada made it official about the creature by making a law to protect it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv7_r6M2qT0)
We took pictures by sitting on Ogopogo as if we got it out of water.. No one knows how many of us will stand to see it when it is that near to us.. Some were holding ears and some the back.. It was fun..
We headed to other spot.. where we again took pictures with Gauris hand in ogopogo's mouth.. We then decided to part into two teams.. one for gettign Daaaru.. and other for food.. We got both and gathered in a room.. We daarulog.. started with a cheers and enjoying our moments..Meenakshi.. Couldn't avoid our shouts.. (sorry yaar..) silently had food and took rest for sometime... We had good times discussing many things.. and making fun of me and Prakash.. We called girls room thrice.. they are enjoying their own Gossip world there.. Once our drinks are over we had food and then started playing cards..
Mr Hridesh.. started teaching us the game and everytime some new rule is introduced.. we are not sure if it is real rule or not..As usual luck never was with me..so I lost most of the game.. Believe me.. Wanna put money in the real game.. Let Asawari Play on your side.. She has got some magic in her hands.. she was almost there in every round of the game.. Then our God father joined the game.. Then we got the real rules of the game.. So.. now we understood the false rules that we were following till then.. it was fun.. better to learn it like that.. so that you can also do the same fun with someone again.. But always have someone like Amit to correct you...
With that slowly the numbers got reduced.. many slept.. and slowly we all were in our rooms and the lights went off.. Oh.. Oh.. I forgot.. Jayaram took a ain killer and was sleeping.. He couldn't move his body for the whole night.. We were giving pain killers and made him sleep..
Next morning.. I heard the alarm with someone english song at 5:00 AM... trust me.. thats was the last thing we expected then.. after a tired evening.. I heard two voices asking me "Who kept the alarm" I tried to stop it but I mistakenly changed the knob and it was disturbing with the no signal sound.. We all got up.. I am sorry for Jayram. he was in sound sleep..
At 7:00 we got up and got ready and we all are down.. Planned to have a Indian Breakfast.. But we went to Ihpop, a famous chain of restaurant in Canada.. We had good breakfast and then.. left for the Wine Yard..
Summerhill Wine yard was one of the best.. We took amazing pictures there.. We were seeing the lake from nearly 500 meters height.. Few mountains were covered with ICe caps and we can see clouds on the mountains.. the view was damm good.. amazing.. and very lovely.. With winter colors around.. the trees with yellow and red leaves.. it was very lovely.. We took pictures again.. few singles and few in groups.. We took tickets for wine yard tour and went to lake again. This time it is a different shore of the lake.. We played with stones there.. making stone jump on water and then a long throw competition and then hitting the target with a stone.. Prakash was the winner in all categories..
Then we discovered few things and we copyrighted few as well.. One of them was Gauri's style.. You say photo... she wil be seen in her patented style.. like a broken arrow.. We gave a name as well.. Its patented.. so read the terms if you are using it in any of your pictures "BEND IT LIKE GAURI"
With me discovering the style.. got the prize.. She started hitting me and don't know when all the girls joined to hit me.. Now when i see the photo.. I realized that Tamanji was also in that group.. mmmm.. Noted that...
We went to wine yard again and then... Went on for the tour.. A lady from the wine yard explained us how wine is made and different types of wine...Then she took us to a pyramid where they harvest the wine.. it seems they followed same measurements of pyramids in Egypt.. It was dark.. and they had a piano inside there.. She asked if anyone know how to play..I thought everyone was fanncy about the guitar or drums and expected anyone to say YES.. but I heard a yes and that was from one of us.. Thats Asawari.. she went and played.. Saregama.. Our natuve Indian Hindustani tune.. that was the first time i heard Saregama on a Piano.. and got surprised and enjoyed.. I got Goosebumps.. then she went on a hindi romantic song "Kuck Kuch Hota hai..." everyone clapped including some goras who were touring along with us..
Then we went to taste some wine.. We had sparkling wine, Red, white and Ice Wine.. The best of all is Ice wine.. I was not a liker of wine.. but that one was damm good.. I liked it.. and then.. few first time tasters were.. Asawari and I guess Anna.. it was fun..
We started from there.. in search of a place to visit.. but never found it.. so.. returned back and decided to have dinner.. early one though.. so that we can hit the road back to Vancouver.. It was Da Tandoori.. Hotel had good Ambience and appealing to eat..The food was also equally good. We had all kinds of possible Indian food.. We had lot of fun..Heavy Dinner, with chai(Indian Tea)and few good jokes and good moments in our minds to carry back home..Me especially. Don't know, if I will be back here.. So these are all special moments..
On the way, the worst has happened at last.. Its a SNOW STORM.. Me itting as a navigator to Prateek, was able to see only few feet of road ahead of us.. And rest of all was white..and its dark around.. There's absolute silence in the car...Everyone was trying to see the road..Prateek was driving carefully with all his experience at play..We all were quite so as not to disturb Prateek..but.. Our Anna.. suddenly started asking questions.. Wht is that on Road, how to drive, What is 4 wheel drive and all... ya.. that was the right time to answer..But we did controlled her excitement.. She was so much excited.. she changed her place from right corner to center to see the road.. I think that was more frightened feeling rather than excitement..
We finally won the snow storm and we are back on clear roads with Music, antakshari and then our stop came.. the same place where we stopped while coming.. then after that small break. we again headed to Vancouver.. we reached around 1:30AM...
I got down at my hotel and we had some Bacardi Lemon left and we just had three rounds in hurry to get out of the tiredness and to get good sleep... and it worked....
To me personally this trip was so special.. I got good friends.. Spent good times.. and most importantly.. I used to feel that, I don't have young team at Pune to enjoy.. But now I got one.. and I am sure we all are gonna have good moments again at Pune.. But we are gonna miss.. Amit, Prateek, Lokesh and their families..As the saying goes.. "Kuck Pane Ke Liye Kucj Khona Padtha Hain..".. that is all bull shit and it doesn't apply everywhere.. I got good friends and good company and good moments without losing anything.. Oh... Oh. Senti Huh.. I know..
Keep Smiling.. Thats all I always say.. Smile and let others smile...
Opinions and feedback is always welcome.. you can even follow me on my blog.. just subscribe.. Happy Reading...
Friday, October 16, 2009
First few moments in Canada...
............................................................................................ That's what I was thinking when there is a beep in the headphones around my heads.. that was the announcement from the captain of the BA085 flight from London to Vancouver.. I was watching Friends.. My favorite show and Joey was about to crack a joke and the screen went blank.. "This is your captain and we will be landing at Vancouver in 40 mins.." and I opened the window shield that was closed for the darkness in the cabin so that people can sleep.. I saw a thick Ice Cap on the mountains.. and that was the first time I am seeing a Ice Cap Live.. and The next moment my mobile was out in my hands to take a picture of it.. it was Awesome... Felt like just jumping from the flight and play with the ice around... Slowly the flight took and turn and so there is a tilt in the angle and I am on the upper end of the tilt.. Sun rays came inside the cabin from my window.. Everyone saw mw for a second as if I was the one that just switched on the light... but the moment the flight became straight.. they all enjoyed the view as I did..The captain have saved my life.. I was expecting a shout at least from people who are still sleeping..
Slowly the Ice caps are increasing and suddenly I saw a mountain with a small lake on its top.. That may be because of this global warming.. but who cares.. For a moment.. I forgot about the global warming and everything.. I just enjoyed the view.. Water on the top of a mountain circled by small Ice caps... Now I understood why Vancouver was given the best city to live some time back..
so again there was a beep disturbing me.. This time it was the seat belt sign and its just 20 mins more for the touchdown.. The flight slowly decreased the altitude and opened the wing flaps to educe the speed and decent..now I can see the city.. It was same like London where I lived before.. but there is a small difference.. It looked beautiful.. I can see red trees which are about to shed their leaves for this winter wind. I saw a port and a bridge...
The pane landed and I got up to get my hand luggage..slowly came out and said bye to the airhostess finally...a 30 hour journey from Mumbai.. I got tired real tired after long time.. Completed my immigration and came out for a taxi.. Got to hotel and checked in.. Hotel was good.. I liked it.. It is simple.. Thought I was put up at Hilton.. I preferred this place as it has got kitchen.. So I can cook what I want rather than eating what they want me to eat..
Room has got a big Bed.. An AC and bath tub.. which I need mostly... I unpacked the suitcase. took a quick shower and was hungry.. Called the reception and enquired about any restaurant late at that time.. One Chinese across the road..
Got dressed and went into that restaurant.. First thing I saw was live crabs in water... went in and took the menu.. The first item: SNAKE SOUP...WOW.. that’s the most awaited surprise and a good welcome for me from the city....
I had fried rice assuming that there are no snakes or cats in that...
Slept for just 2 hours due to jet lag and watched couple of movies...
That’s it for now.. will update again with few pics of the diwali celebrations my team is planning....
Slowly the Ice caps are increasing and suddenly I saw a mountain with a small lake on its top.. That may be because of this global warming.. but who cares.. For a moment.. I forgot about the global warming and everything.. I just enjoyed the view.. Water on the top of a mountain circled by small Ice caps... Now I understood why Vancouver was given the best city to live some time back..
so again there was a beep disturbing me.. This time it was the seat belt sign and its just 20 mins more for the touchdown.. The flight slowly decreased the altitude and opened the wing flaps to educe the speed and decent..now I can see the city.. It was same like London where I lived before.. but there is a small difference.. It looked beautiful.. I can see red trees which are about to shed their leaves for this winter wind. I saw a port and a bridge...
The pane landed and I got up to get my hand luggage..slowly came out and said bye to the airhostess finally...a 30 hour journey from Mumbai.. I got tired real tired after long time.. Completed my immigration and came out for a taxi.. Got to hotel and checked in.. Hotel was good.. I liked it.. It is simple.. Thought I was put up at Hilton.. I preferred this place as it has got kitchen.. So I can cook what I want rather than eating what they want me to eat..
Room has got a big Bed.. An AC and bath tub.. which I need mostly... I unpacked the suitcase. took a quick shower and was hungry.. Called the reception and enquired about any restaurant late at that time.. One Chinese across the road..
Got dressed and went into that restaurant.. First thing I saw was live crabs in water... went in and took the menu.. The first item: SNAKE SOUP...WOW.. that’s the most awaited surprise and a good welcome for me from the city....
I had fried rice assuming that there are no snakes or cats in that...
Slept for just 2 hours due to jet lag and watched couple of movies...
That’s it for now.. will update again with few pics of the diwali celebrations my team is planning....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Loans-- Burden or Booster...
Loans.. Loans.. Home loans, Personal Loans, Vehicle loans.. even Marriage Loans and Loans for Dowry as well these days... So why the loan system has come into light so much that everyone is able to use it.. so we will see whether it is a Burden or Booster for your career or to make your dreams come true..
So,, here we go..
Before we start.. let me tell you some facts..
Never a bank will advertise on Loans and the interest rate or the benefits for farmers even though India is majorly Agricultural Country..
Never a bank will call a farmer and ask him if he is satisfied with the services even though his transactions are more than any average person in other white collar professions.
Never a bank will send a representative to the farmer house to collect the documents or to give them the documents..
So all the benefits are for us because.. we are clever and are able to operate the mouse.. don't take your hand away.. that's ok.. I will tell you how we can be benefited from these schemes..
According to any of our parents (who are not in family business), taking a loan is a sin. A bigger sin than having an extra marital affair. So this post is strictly for youngsters as my parents will kill me if I say that I need to take loan to upgrade my car to a SUV.
Let us see the common terminology used:
Home loans, Vehicle Loans, Personal Loans.. you all know.. What is the Floating and Fixed Interest rate and how does it influence the EMI (Equated Monthly Installment or Every Month Installment as these days calculations are done on Reducing rate). So a fixed rate is the rate of interest which is fixed at the time of the loan agreement. This percentage will be decided by the bank and the bank should follow the RBI(Reserve Bank of India) guidelines in determining these rates. The fixed rate varies from bank to bank around 5-7%.
Here comes the most profitable part for banks.. FLOATING Rates.. they say it is beneficial for customers.. but let me tell you.. this is purely for making us more comfortable and to tempt us to take loans and on the top of all.. they know that we cannot predict the future or market trends as they do.. so it is a win-win situation for both customer and banks..
So why two rates???
Floating rate will be changing according to the market conditions.. and also competition among the banks will sometimes comes for the benefit of the customers. The rate keeps floating on the basis of market condition and this is again governed by the RBI guidelines (which a common man will never understand and so stick to the numbers given by the banks). Fixed rates will be 5-7% more than the Floating rates at any given time. That gives the margin for the banks.
The clever bankers will advice you to go for Fixed in case of vehicle loans and personal loans as the amount is small and it will not influence the bankers on a large extent.. But Home Loans will mostly be floating as the principal (Actual Loan Amount) is more.
So now our post: Burden or Booster..
According to me the person who doesn't take in this generation and try to live the life is a fool.. one of the study shows that, its the Americans who enjoy most of their life rather than we in east(Indians, Chinese and Japanese). It seems we do lot of hard work and save money in international banks.. where Americans take credit from the same banks at higher interest rates and live a luxurious life and die one day.. and loan is a loan for the bank.. Famous bank which almost went bankrupted when this recession started.. see how many companies in India have tie-up with them for their employees salary accounts..
So take a loan considering your repayment capability and live your life.. Don't take the burden.. You just need to spend sometime calculating the EMI.. these days lotof tools are available online which will help you in that as well. And you can manage your finances anytime. Today, when people talk about recession everywhere, see how many companies are launching their new model cars into markets.. Just imagine how many Small salaries people are able to bu at least 1BHK in a city like Mumbai.. all this is possible only because of these Loans..
Important thing is that, when you are taking a loan, you should never see the net amount you are paying unless the principal amount is very less Eg.. a Personal loan of 65000, may be after interest will be 1,00,000 which is a big difference.. but a car of 10,00,000 will be 12, 00,000 which will look ok because you are getting the car to enjoy at least.
So some people think that taking a loan is burden.. but i honestly feel that it is an opportunity given to you to grab the riches of life.. but be on your toes always.. you have a heap on your back.. so as you are enjoying your car or your dream hose.. please make sure that funds are there in your account for the EMI to swallow it or to feel the consequences.... No.. No.. don't think about them... Banks are not sweet to kick you out of your house.. they feel at home always.. and you will be sent out anytime.. so.. better take a CALCULATIVE RISK as the theory says...
Important points to note when taking a Loan:
1. Clear discussion about the Interest percentage.
2. Collect the monthly breakup signed and stamped from the bank.
3. Take a note of the ECS cheque numbers that you give them.
4. Verify the person who comes to your house for document collection.
5. Verify for any hidden costs and any insurance add ups that are added to the agreement.
6. Clearly read the stamp papers that you sign.
7. Keep a copy of the stamp papers and the house agreement, other papers that you gonna submit to bank as when you apply for takeover loan in different bank, you need copy of documents for verification.
8. Finally.. Just think once again.. IS IT A BURDEN OR A BOOSTER FOR YOU...
As always.. Comments are appreciated.. And healthy Discussion Threads.. are always encouraging..
So,, here we go..
Before we start.. let me tell you some facts..
Never a bank will advertise on Loans and the interest rate or the benefits for farmers even though India is majorly Agricultural Country..
Never a bank will call a farmer and ask him if he is satisfied with the services even though his transactions are more than any average person in other white collar professions.
Never a bank will send a representative to the farmer house to collect the documents or to give them the documents..
So all the benefits are for us because.. we are clever and are able to operate the mouse.. don't take your hand away.. that's ok.. I will tell you how we can be benefited from these schemes..
According to any of our parents (who are not in family business), taking a loan is a sin. A bigger sin than having an extra marital affair. So this post is strictly for youngsters as my parents will kill me if I say that I need to take loan to upgrade my car to a SUV.
Let us see the common terminology used:
Home loans, Vehicle Loans, Personal Loans.. you all know.. What is the Floating and Fixed Interest rate and how does it influence the EMI (Equated Monthly Installment or Every Month Installment as these days calculations are done on Reducing rate). So a fixed rate is the rate of interest which is fixed at the time of the loan agreement. This percentage will be decided by the bank and the bank should follow the RBI(Reserve Bank of India) guidelines in determining these rates. The fixed rate varies from bank to bank around 5-7%.
Here comes the most profitable part for banks.. FLOATING Rates.. they say it is beneficial for customers.. but let me tell you.. this is purely for making us more comfortable and to tempt us to take loans and on the top of all.. they know that we cannot predict the future or market trends as they do.. so it is a win-win situation for both customer and banks..
So why two rates???
Floating rate will be changing according to the market conditions.. and also competition among the banks will sometimes comes for the benefit of the customers. The rate keeps floating on the basis of market condition and this is again governed by the RBI guidelines (which a common man will never understand and so stick to the numbers given by the banks). Fixed rates will be 5-7% more than the Floating rates at any given time. That gives the margin for the banks.
The clever bankers will advice you to go for Fixed in case of vehicle loans and personal loans as the amount is small and it will not influence the bankers on a large extent.. But Home Loans will mostly be floating as the principal (Actual Loan Amount) is more.
So now our post: Burden or Booster..
According to me the person who doesn't take in this generation and try to live the life is a fool.. one of the study shows that, its the Americans who enjoy most of their life rather than we in east(Indians, Chinese and Japanese). It seems we do lot of hard work and save money in international banks.. where Americans take credit from the same banks at higher interest rates and live a luxurious life and die one day.. and loan is a loan for the bank.. Famous bank which almost went bankrupted when this recession started.. see how many companies in India have tie-up with them for their employees salary accounts..
So take a loan considering your repayment capability and live your life.. Don't take the burden.. You just need to spend sometime calculating the EMI.. these days lotof tools are available online which will help you in that as well. And you can manage your finances anytime. Today, when people talk about recession everywhere, see how many companies are launching their new model cars into markets.. Just imagine how many Small salaries people are able to bu at least 1BHK in a city like Mumbai.. all this is possible only because of these Loans..
Important thing is that, when you are taking a loan, you should never see the net amount you are paying unless the principal amount is very less Eg.. a Personal loan of 65000, may be after interest will be 1,00,000 which is a big difference.. but a car of 10,00,000 will be 12, 00,000 which will look ok because you are getting the car to enjoy at least.
So some people think that taking a loan is burden.. but i honestly feel that it is an opportunity given to you to grab the riches of life.. but be on your toes always.. you have a heap on your back.. so as you are enjoying your car or your dream hose.. please make sure that funds are there in your account for the EMI to swallow it or to feel the consequences.... No.. No.. don't think about them... Banks are not sweet to kick you out of your house.. they feel at home always.. and you will be sent out anytime.. so.. better take a CALCULATIVE RISK as the theory says...
Important points to note when taking a Loan:
1. Clear discussion about the Interest percentage.
2. Collect the monthly breakup signed and stamped from the bank.
3. Take a note of the ECS cheque numbers that you give them.
4. Verify the person who comes to your house for document collection.
5. Verify for any hidden costs and any insurance add ups that are added to the agreement.
6. Clearly read the stamp papers that you sign.
7. Keep a copy of the stamp papers and the house agreement, other papers that you gonna submit to bank as when you apply for takeover loan in different bank, you need copy of documents for verification.
8. Finally.. Just think once again.. IS IT A BURDEN OR A BOOSTER FOR YOU...
As always.. Comments are appreciated.. And healthy Discussion Threads.. are always encouraging..
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cars..Selection is more difficult than Driving...
Selecting the car that fits your requirement.. Your style.. Shows your Attitude and Make others feel your presence----- Here are the tips to select one that fits for you...
Please answer the following questions and then we will understand which is the car that we are looking for..
1. How far are you gonna travel average per day?
2. What kind of a driver are you.. Tortoise or a Rabbit?
3. What age group you belong to Physically and Mentally?
4. How big is your family?
5. You prefer Style or Performance?
6. You need Funky stuff or just a Normal factory fitted car.. go to office .. clean it and put it back in parking?
7. Do you party a lot and you want to show your vehicle to your friends?
8. How much loud music you hear..
9. The most important of all BUDGET?
Now we will see how different factors will change our decisions and will end us up in a confusion..
When we are planning to buy a car, you have lot of options starting from a family matchbox car to a luxury BMW.. so what to buy.. obviously, everyone cannot afford for a BMW so in this blog rather than praising the BMW, we will see the criteria in which you need to select a car..
See whats your taste.. few people like to spend 10Lk for a Sedan and few feel that, if 10 lk is to be spent, then why not an SUV.. so its pure taste and the attitude..
If you are silent going person on road who needs good stylish avatar and a professional look, then SEDAN is the best for you. the latest sedans like FIAT LINEA is the one in that class. With its classy looks and a stylish finishing.. it gives you what you want except power.
If you are a rough guy with an attitude to show your presence on road, then an SUV will do the business for the day. Get a Safari or Scorpio and you will observer heads turning to see who is in it and who is driving it.
If you have some extra cash, then you can get both the rough look and also the style in it with premium class vehicles like BMW and MERC.. with Audi in Market now.. we have a reason to celebrate.. a combination of power and looks.. its one of its kind..
So my verdict.. is clear.. an SUV for a rough guy and a Classy car for a Classy guy...
So.. you can send in your comments or we can run threads discussing it... at the end of the day.... make sure of one thing.. BEFORE YOU BUY.. BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU NEED...
Please answer the following questions and then we will understand which is the car that we are looking for..
1. How far are you gonna travel average per day?
2. What kind of a driver are you.. Tortoise or a Rabbit?
3. What age group you belong to Physically and Mentally?
4. How big is your family?
5. You prefer Style or Performance?
6. You need Funky stuff or just a Normal factory fitted car.. go to office .. clean it and put it back in parking?
7. Do you party a lot and you want to show your vehicle to your friends?
8. How much loud music you hear..
9. The most important of all BUDGET?
Now we will see how different factors will change our decisions and will end us up in a confusion..
When we are planning to buy a car, you have lot of options starting from a family matchbox car to a luxury BMW.. so what to buy.. obviously, everyone cannot afford for a BMW so in this blog rather than praising the BMW, we will see the criteria in which you need to select a car..
See whats your taste.. few people like to spend 10Lk for a Sedan and few feel that, if 10 lk is to be spent, then why not an SUV.. so its pure taste and the attitude..
If you are silent going person on road who needs good stylish avatar and a professional look, then SEDAN is the best for you. the latest sedans like FIAT LINEA is the one in that class. With its classy looks and a stylish finishing.. it gives you what you want except power.
If you are a rough guy with an attitude to show your presence on road, then an SUV will do the business for the day. Get a Safari or Scorpio and you will observer heads turning to see who is in it and who is driving it.
If you have some extra cash, then you can get both the rough look and also the style in it with premium class vehicles like BMW and MERC.. with Audi in Market now.. we have a reason to celebrate.. a combination of power and looks.. its one of its kind..
So my verdict.. is clear.. an SUV for a rough guy and a Classy car for a Classy guy...
So.. you can send in your comments or we can run threads discussing it... at the end of the day.... make sure of one thing.. BEFORE YOU BUY.. BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU NEED...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Recession.. Pink Slips... any site and any IT Employee.. these are the words that we have heard off.. Lehman Bros.. these are the people we all should be thankful towards.. because of these bros.. we Officially kicked off.. RECESSION...and these many advantages both to companies.. to us (ALL IT PROFESSIONALS) and to the country happened..
So.. we will start by what I mean the positive sides of Recession...
1. Recession brings us to learn New Technologies.. LONG TERM INVESTMENT.
2. It will help an average salaried IT professional to think about Investments (Shares and Properties)--- A Rs.3000 Unitech share was available for Rs 30 in the first days of Recession.. T-Motors is still Rs.140.. So If you have some Rs.30000 in savings.. you can think of a 2 year investment in UniT which will definitely fetch you 50% profit without doing anything.. where you may get only 5% in normal periods..
3. Know how competition and parties with BOSS helped you from not getting Pink Slips.. SO more partying.... Less Pink Slips..
4. Have you observed.. many people postponed their marriage plans at least for 3 years fearing of Job loss if they go for Marriage leave.. I have seen my Manager who went on for Marriage and when he is back.. his ID was not working.. when contacted.. they gave him all the best greeting with his final settlement cheque inside that.. he couldn't even use it for his honeymoon expenses and he had to sit at home and plan his next job rather than plan his first few days with his new wife.. SAD... So Less marriages.. Less Expenses.. Less Population growth too.. LOL...
5. Honestly tell me how many of you have downloaded movies and watched them rather than going to theatres.. See using IT better than before.. which means.. we are utilising IT more than before which is good sign..
6. This is the most talked Recession than any one before..and this is the fastest recovered Recession from than ones before..
There are few more positive points and benefits that we got from Recession.. will update the post again after few days seeing how other factors are changing as THE RECESSION IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED AS OVER..
So.. we will start by what I mean the positive sides of Recession...
1. Recession brings us to learn New Technologies.. LONG TERM INVESTMENT.
2. It will help an average salaried IT professional to think about Investments (Shares and Properties)--- A Rs.3000 Unitech share was available for Rs 30 in the first days of Recession.. T-Motors is still Rs.140.. So If you have some Rs.30000 in savings.. you can think of a 2 year investment in UniT which will definitely fetch you 50% profit without doing anything.. where you may get only 5% in normal periods..
3. Know how competition and parties with BOSS helped you from not getting Pink Slips.. SO more partying.... Less Pink Slips..
4. Have you observed.. many people postponed their marriage plans at least for 3 years fearing of Job loss if they go for Marriage leave.. I have seen my Manager who went on for Marriage and when he is back.. his ID was not working.. when contacted.. they gave him all the best greeting with his final settlement cheque inside that.. he couldn't even use it for his honeymoon expenses and he had to sit at home and plan his next job rather than plan his first few days with his new wife.. SAD... So Less marriages.. Less Expenses.. Less Population growth too.. LOL...
5. Honestly tell me how many of you have downloaded movies and watched them rather than going to theatres.. See using IT better than before.. which means.. we are utilising IT more than before which is good sign..
6. This is the most talked Recession than any one before..and this is the fastest recovered Recession from than ones before..
There are few more positive points and benefits that we got from Recession.. will update the post again after few days seeing how other factors are changing as THE RECESSION IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED AS OVER..
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